Crossing the Finish Line
Crossing the Finish Line is a program where Legal Aid Society of Salt Lake (LAS) will draft the final documents in divorce or parentage/custody cases when the parties have reached a full agreement in mediation. In order for LAS to accomplish this, you MUST do ALL of the following:
1. The eligible party will email the following to intakecoordinator@lasslc.org with the subject line "Crossing the Finish Line":
a. Detailed Memorandum of Understanding, OR if a stipulation was read onto the record in court, your case number and court date for LAS to order audio recording.
b. Crossing the Finish Line Program Information Form with ALL INFORMATION FILLED OUT. You can download a copy by clicking this link.
c. Income verification for both parties if child support is involved (pay stubs, tax returns, W-2, etc.)
d. OCAP name and password if there is an OCAP filing
2. Petitioner or agreed upon party fills out an Eligibility Form by clicking the button here:

a. When filling out the eligibility form, you need to put "CFL" in the Referal Code field in order for us to recognize that you are a Crossing the Finish Line case.
*Important! If you do not provide ALL of the above information/documents to the intake coordinator, the intake coordinator will email you with instructions. If you do not reply to emails within 10 days, your case will closed and you will need to finalize your case on your own.
3. After ALL of these steps are fully completed, your case will be assigned to a legal team that will prepare the final documents in your case to file with the court. The preferred method of communication with the legal team is through email.
If you have questions about the application process, you can reach the intake coordinator at intakecoordinator@lasslc.org
If you have problems with the website, you can reach the Systems Manager at jsroka@lasslc.org